10 Insane History Lessons that Private, Religious Voucher Schools Are Teaching America’s Kids

10 Insane History Lessons that Private, Religious Voucher Schools Are Teaching America’s Kids

With public dollars, kids are being taught that the Great Depression was a hoax and that theories of evolution caused the Holocaust.

Where do these religious voucher schools get their so-called “facts”? One place is Christian publisher A Beka Book. Founded in 1972 by Arlin and Rebekah (aka, “Beka”) Horton, A Beka churns out a significant number of the textbooks used by such schools. Forty-three percent of the religious voucher schools that responded to a 2003 Palm Beach Post survey based their curricula on texts published by either A Beka Books or Bob Jones University Publishing. A Beka Book estimates that around 9,000 schools utilize their books.
